I’m very excited and pleased to hear that Fr. Carlos Ortega will be your new pastor. Having just left IHM 3 years ago, he is very familiar with this faith community. I think he’ll be awesome!!! Fr. Carlos and I will meet in a couple of weeks to discuss the transition and bring him up to date on the parish. Also, your new Parochial Vicar will be ordained a priest on the first Saturday of June. David DesPres will find a great first assignment with you all.
Congratulations also to Fr. Robbie as he is assigned as full time Chaplain at St. Pius X High School. He’ll reside at Georgia Tech with Fr. Branson Hipp. Fr. Robbie has been such a blessing these past 3 years to your parish. ON SATURDAY, JUNE 22nd, we’ll have a farewell picnic for him. Please make every effort to come even if for a short time.
Again, it’s been good to be here with you this past year. Keep me in your prayers as I transition back to Nevada. I’ll leave here after the 9AM Mass on the 30th of June.