On February 22 - March 1, 2025, twenty IHM parishioners, including Deacon James Martin and three IHM School teachers, will be traveling to Jamaica for our 20th year of service and support of Mustard Seed Communities. This year, we will be concentrating on projects to help rebuild facilities extensively damaged by Hurricane Beryl, while also spending time with the residents.
While 20 of us travel and represent IHM, there is opportunity for the whole parish to get involved and support MSC by donating critically needed supplies requested by MSC that we will pack and take with us. Below is a list of some of the high priority items needed, but a complete list is located on the collection bin in the narthex. Or you can make a monetary donation by scanning the QR code and putting "Supplies" in the missionary field. (INSERT QR CODE attached)
Neosporin, Antifungal, A&D and Cortisone Creams
Liquid cold and flu medications (DayQuil, NyQuil, etc)