Life keeps coming at you, no matter your age or circumstances. In this case, the man and his partner were hit by an 18-wheel truck, suffering injuries that prevented them from working. They have 4 children under the age of 10. The good news is the partner’s injuries were less severe, and she was able to resume her work as a real estate agent. However, agents only get paid when they close a deal, and her next one was held up. The man’s injuries were more substantial, requiring physical therapy before he could go back to work. Fortunately, his lawyer lent him some funds to keep food on the table, but bigger items like rent and car insurance went unpaid. The eviction notice from their corporate landlord wasn’t long in coming either. Our Vincentian initially helped pay their car insurance so they could drive Uber Eats and get to his PT sessions. No one could say how many sessions it would take to get him back to work. No one could say when the real estate deal would close. No one could say when the legal proceedings against the truck driver/company would end. They did, however, say some prayers together. The decision was made to buy them some time and avoid them and the 4 kids being evicted in hopes they can earn a bit by driving for Uber and pushing to get released to work again. Thanks to the generosity of IHM parishioners, we were able to support them well above our normal guidelines and helped keep them from becoming homeless.
If you would like to find out more about becoming a Vincentian, please reach out to reach out to Javier Lerch at [email protected] . If a parishioner needs help, they can call 678-892-6163.Case Number: 2024- 35050.