Creative Hands has been meeting since 1982. We knit and crochet for charities throughout our community. All parishioners and non-parishioners are welcome to join us for fellowship and service. Meetings are every Wednesday from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the lower level of the church or, at times, at the home of one of our members.
The Crossroads Ministry consists of several IHM parishioners who help prepare and serve a hot meal for the homeless every Friday morning at a soup kitchen in downtown Atlanta. We leave the IHM parking lot at 8:30 a.m. and return around 11:15 a.m. Dedicated parishioners of this ministry have been serving the homeless for over twenty years.
We also pick up "day-old bakery products" every weekday from two Publix grocery stores and deliver them to the soup kitchen in Atlanta. On weekends, they are distributed to the IHM Hispanic Community.
Embrace is a ministry that embraces families who have lost a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant death. Embrace provides comfort, support, and education. The mission of All Embrace, Inc. is to embrace all families, regardless of faith, who have lost a child from miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death. While operating within Roman Catholic values, Embrace surrounds families with God's love through compassionate support, honoring their baby's life, and integrating the loss into their family.
GriefShare is a Christ-based biblical support program for those grieving the death of a loved one. Volunteers for this ministry serve as facilitators for support groups and greeters. Click here for more information.
The mission of the IHM AIDS Ministry is to actively educate ourselves and the parish community about HIV/AIDS and to serve the HIV/AIDS community by fostering compassion and mobilizing parish support for those infected or affected by the disease.
Boy Scouts - Young men, 11 - 18 years old, of Boy Scout Troup 550 are educated and developed by the Boy Scouts of America teachings to be good citizens and active in their church, community, nation, and world.
Ministry Leader: Tim Murphy
Cub Scouts—The mission of IHM Cub Scout Pack 550 is to prepare young boys to make ethical and moral choices throughout their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
Ministry Leader: Jeffrey Shears
Girl Scouts—This organization provides young women, grades Kindergarten through 12th, with the opportunity to be good citizens active in church, community, the nation, and the world.
Ministry Leaders: Carrie Harman
The mission of the Laudato Si Action Team is to develop awareness of Pope Francis' environmental teachings through education programs and community examples. Empowered by Catholic Social Teaching and guided by the archdiocesan Laudato Si Action Plan, we aim to promote the idea of thinking globally and acting locally as we strive to care for our ordinary homes—the planet Earth and our IHM parish.
The core mission of Mustard Seed Communities is to care for the most vulnerable populations in society - providing for children and adults with disabilities and HIV/AIDS who have been abandoned. To create lasting change, they also address the complex needs of a community. Since 1978, MSC's services have evolved with local needs through their nutrition and education programs for surrounding impoverished communities and sustainable agriculture and vocational programs. Our IHM ministry serves MSC through 2 mission trips annually – one to Jamaica and one to the Dominican Republic – and ongoing support throughout the year with special projects.
The Church's Lower Level nursery is available to children 1 to 4 during all weekend Masses.
The mission of the IHM Respect Life Ministry is to advocate, promote, and protect the dignity, sanctity, and unique personhood of each human life from the moment of conception until natural death. We will uphold a consistent ethic of life and be part of Christ's healing mission in the world by proclaiming life as God's gift and as the sole Lord over human life.
This ministry connects the worshipping community with homebound parishioners for any reason. When requested, an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion visits regularly for sacrament, prayer, and companionship.
The mission of the Social Justice Committee is to raise awareness of Catholic social teaching through education, programs, liturgy, and community examples. Its goal is to help carry out the social and ecumenical mission of the Catholic Church through the tradition of Catholic Social Teaching. This group meets every month and participates in local justice actions.
Our mission is spiritual growth through service. We are a group of committed servants who aim to move our neighbors in need toward stability and self-sufficiency. We have many well-established aid programs, but we are open to new and creative ways to enhance the well-being of the less fortunate.
We can accommodate new members with limited time availability. Whatever your background, interests, and skills, please join us on a journey to fulfill our Christina calling.
We are a chapter of St. Vincent de Paul Georgia (Home - SVPD Georgia)
If you want to learn more about our program at IHM, click here.
If you want to explore how to become a member, email the ministry leader. We will answer you immediately to help you discern the role best suited to your spare time and abilities.
This ministry supports those who have experienced the death of a loved one. It aims to make them feel the IHM family's love, support, and prayers. Ministry members pray for the deceased and their families, follow up with the bereaved, send tokens of comfort, provide resources for their grief journey, and assist with the Mass of Remembrance.